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The Capture and Tracking of 'Pieces of Information': Necessary Requirements for 'Educational' and Rich Repurposing Architectures?

Shabajee, Paul; Reynolds, Dave

External - Copyright Consideration

Keyword(s): information management; content management systems; multimedia

Abstract:Existing multimedia and educational re-purposing systems can provide effective means of making use of individual multimedia assets in multiple contexts. This paper argues that where very rich repurposing of assets and information is planned (e.g. educational resources aiming to meet the needs of a diverse range of users from different contexts and backgrounds) not only the use of media objects, but also the 'pieces of information' used to produce the resources need to be 'indexed' and tracked. This requirement is based on the observation that a single 'piece of information' may be used in many different places and contexts for example as a piece of text or re-worded in a video narration or as a statistic in a graph. Our background research indicates that existing Content Management Systems (CMS) and their underlying Asset Management systems do not have the capabilities to rigorously and robustly capture, index and track pieces of information in this way. The implications of this and requirements for systems that could provide the tools to provide this functionality are discussed along with barriers to the creation of robust and comprehensive solutions to meet the requirements identified. A short-term means of capturing and retrieving them is introduced, which could meet the immediate needs of existing projects. Medium and longer-term solutions including the use of Semantic Web and Artificial Intelligence based systems are proposed. Notes: Paul Shabajee, Graduate School of Education and Institute for Learning and Research Technology (ILRT), University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

14 Pages

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