
Application frameworks
» SmartFrog - a technology for describing distributed software systems as collections of cooperating components, and then activating and managing them. SmartFrog is licensed under LGPL.
» OpenSSI - single-system image-clustering software that includes cluster filesystems, a single root, process migration, load balancing and integrated code from other open-source projects
Desktop utilities
» Constructive Reals
Calculator - "exact" real arithmetic Java library and desk calculator
» HP Probabilistic Model Toolbox (PMT) - a powerful MATLAB toolbox for basic static and dynamic probabilistic models such as Gaussian mixtures, factor analyzers, Markov chains, hidden Markov models and linear dynamic systems. Each probabilistic model supports simulation, inference and learning of model parameters from data.
Digital content management
» DSpace - an institutional digital repository created by HP Labs and MIT Libraries
Handwriting recognition
» LOCO-I/JPEG-LS Software -
a software implementation of JPEG-LS, the ISO standard for lossless and near-lossless
compression of continuous tone images
» Polynomial
Texture Mapping (PTM) software - a new method for increasing the photorealism
of texture maps
» UltraVis system -
software for fast, versatile volume rendering
» Uncalibrated
Stereo by Singular Value Decomposition - an algorithm that matches features
across a pair of stereo images with unparalleled algorithmic simplicity and neatness
Handwriting recognition
» Lipi Toolkit (LipiTk) - a generic toolkit for online Handwriting Recognition (HWR), and packages HWR tools and algorithms with standard ink representations and HWR application interfaces. The toolkit is designed to support different sets of users, with different requirements.
» PCI Pamette V1 -
an FPGA-based reconfigurable interface board and coprocessor. This download contains drivers and runtime support software for the Pamette board and the PamDC CAD front end for Xilinx FPGAs. Supported platforms are Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 and Tru64 Unix.
» Itsy - The Itsy pocket computer is a flexible research platform. Its aim is to enable hardware and software research in pocket computing. It is a small, low-power handheld device with a highly flexible interface, designed to encourage the development of innovative research projects, such as novel user interfaces, new applications, power management techniques and hardware extensions. The information we are making available includes the hardware specifications, a low level monitor, and the Linux source code for the Itsy.
Media consumption
» Personalized Video is a Windows application that enables a richer and engaging online video experience. Using this application, users can create "channels" of topics of interest, navigate to similar videos and related web pages, annotate videos, rate videos and share videos on Facebook and Twitter. The application also provides a "Suggestions" channel where video recommendations are provided.
» Wireless tools for Linux - a set of open source tools for manipulating the Wireless Extensions.
» Mscape Suite - contains the mscape player, maker, tester, library and a starter mediascape.
Printing and publishing
» Formatting Objects Authoring Tool (FOA) - the world's first XSL-FO authoring tool, this open source Java application gives users a graphical interface to author XSL-FO stylesheets
Semantic Web
» Jena - Semantic Web Framework for Java - a Java framework for building Semantic Web applications.
Jena is open source and grown out of work with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme .
» Joseki -
Joseki is an HTTP and SOAP engine that supports the SPARQL Protocol and the SPARQL RDF Query language .
» RDF Graph
Visualizer - an experimental node-centric approach to RDF graph visualization (open source)
Software development
» A Garbage Collector
(for C and C++) - can be used as a garbage collecting replacement for C malloc
or C++ new, allowing users memory as they normally would, without explicitly
deallocating memory that is no longer useful.
» Linux
Ski Simulator - an HP-proprietary instruction-set simulator for the IA-64
(Itanium Processor Family, IPF) architecture, intended primarily for application-
and kernel-level software development.
» HP Java Programming Toolkits -
source code for several Java analysis tools. The Javafe front end is an extensible parser and type checker for Java. The HP Extended Static Checker for Java (ESC/Java) is a tool that attempts to find common run-time errors in Java programs by static analysis of the program text. Houdini is a tool that infers the program annotations used by ESC/Java. The HP Race Condition Checker for Java (RCC/Java) identifies potential race conditions in multithreaded Java code statically. The HP Research ESC/Java Synchronization Checker (Calvin) is a static checker for multithreaded Java programs that can check invariants as well as identify potential race conditions. Simplify is the automated theorem prover used by ESC/Java, Houdini, and Calvin.
» Performance Monitoring -
software for making use of the Itanium Performance Monitoring
» qprof - a set of
profiling utilities. It also includes other facilities that may be useful outside
of a profiling context.
» The Unwind Library -
defining a portable and efficient C programming interface (API) to determine
the call-chain of a program.
Storage management
» Storage Systems Software including a system for generating synthetic I/O workloads, a tool for experimental exploration of design spaces and a system for characterizing and analyzing I/O traces.
World Wide Web
(for Semantic Web, go here)» DELI - an open-source library that allows Java servlets to resolve HTTP requests containing delivery context information from CC/PP- or UAProf-capable devices and query the resolved profile
» httperf (a tool for measuring Web server performance)
» Internet Content Adaptation - a rule-based content adaptation and filtering framework for HTTP requests and responses based on ICAP protocol (open source)
» Site Password - Most users have accounts on a large number of web sites. Today, they have a choice of one password for all sites or a different password for each site. This tool produces a different password for each site from a single password provided by the account holder.
» Sparta - a lightweight Java XML package that includes an XML parser a DOM, and an XPath interpreter
» userver - a simple open source web server that can be used to evaluate a variety of Internet server and operating system design and implementation issues. It is highly configurable, event driven, and can utilize select, poll, epoll, writev, mmap, sendfile, TCP_CORK and a variety of other features.