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Using Multiple Namespaces in CC/PP and UAProf

Gilbert, John; Butler, Mark


Keyword(s): CC/PP; UAProf; XML; XML namespaces; namespace aliasing; RDF; QName; RDF Schema; schema versioning

Abstract: CC/PP and UAProf are two related standards, proposed by the W3C and the Open Mobile Alliance respectively, that allow devices such as PCs or smartphones to communicate their capabilities to devices such as web servers. Both these standards use XML namespaces to describe multiple device vocabularies. UAProf specifies a base device vocabulary whereas CC/PP is totally vocabulary agnostic. This paper explores issues surrounding multiple vocabularies: firstly it describes an appropriate data structure for dealing with profiles using multiple vocabularies. Secondly it describes a technique that can be used to process profiles that use incorrect namespaces. Thirdly it describes issues surrounding the automatic retrieval of schemas from namespace URLs, and issues surrounding the encoding of version information in those URLs. Finally it outlines some techniques that can be used to simplify the problem of dealing with multiple vocabularies and multiple vocabulary versions. Notes: John Gilbert, Trinity College Dublin, Eire

14 Pages

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