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Computing the digest of an RDF graph

Sayers, Craig; Karp, Alan H.


Keyword(s): RDF(Resource Description Framework); graph; digest; signature; cryptography; security

Abstract: Efficient algorithms are needed for computing the digest of a Resource Description Framework (RDF) graph. These may be used to assign unique content- dependent identifiers and for use in digital signatures, allowing a recipient to verify that RDF was generated by a particular individual and/or has not been altered in transit. Ideally the digest algorithms should still permit verification of the RDF graph even when it has been transported via intermediaries who may serialize in different formats and alter the blank node identifiers. In an advance over previous work, we show that the use of a set hash allows the digest of an RDF graph to be computed in O(N) time. Furthermore, our algorithm allows for incremental updates to the graph, so the time to recompute the digest to account for additional statements is proportional to the number of new statements being added. The security of the algorithm depends on the number of statements and the choice of the combining and hashing algorithms used for the set hash.

16 Pages

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