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Creating Interactive 3-D Media with Projector-Camera Systems

Chang, Nelson L.


Keyword(s): interactive 3-D media; projector-camera systems; structured light scanning; dense correspondence; view synthesis; view interpolation; multiframe; automatic; real-time

Abstract: This paper presents a practical framework for creating and visualizing interactive 3-D media using a system of uncalibrated projector-cameras. The proposed solution uses light patterns that temporally encode the projector's coordinate system to solve the traditionally challenging multiframe correspondence problem by straightforward decoding instead of computational multiframe optimization. Two sets of coded light patterns (black/white stripes and colored 2x2 blocks, both of varying spatial resolutions) are presented and compared. The resulting correspondences are directly used as a compelling form of interactive 3-D media through described techniques including three-frame view synthesis, multiframe view synthesis using multiple three-frame groupings, and even single- camera view interpolation. It is shown that adapting the rendering order of the correspondences with respect to the projector's coordinate system ensures the correct visibility for the synthesized views. Experimental results demonstrate that the framework works well for various real-world scenes, even including those with multiple objects and textured surfaces. The framework, along with the resulting correspondences, also has implications in many other computer vision and image processing applications, especially those that require multiframe correspondences. Notes: Copyright SPIE. To be published in and presented at SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, 18-22 January 2004, San Jose, California

12 Pages

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