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Efficiently Modelling Resource in a Process Algebra

Tofts, Chris


Keyword(s): process algebra; semaphore; resource; composition

Abstract: In a concurrent system the effects of contention for resource are primary for both understanding and controlling the behaviour of the system. Since resources are inherently shared, hoping for a compositional presentation seems highly unlikely. Equally, in this context, composition in terms of the ability to subdivide resource seems an ambitious goal. In this presentation we demonstrate that, by exploiting synchrony, we can present resources in a divisible manner. Further, this eradicates counting duplication (counts residing both in the resource representation and in the claiming entities) greatly reducing the state space of the system. Finally our compositional representation of resource usage in a synchronous process algebra is obtained without any changes or additions to the underlying language and could be achieved in 'bare' SCCS. For brevity we assume a basic familiarity with asynchronous (such as CCS) and synchronous process algebra (such as SCCS) for an introduction see 'Communication and Concurrency' by Robin Milner, and the SCCS probabilistic/prioritized extension WSCCS.

12 Pages

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