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Distributed Channel Monitoring for Wireless Bandwidth Aggregation

Sharma, Puneet; Brassil, Jack; Lee, Sung-Ju; Shin, Kang G.


Keyword(s): monitoring system; bandwidth aggregation

Abstract: Aggregating low-speed WAN links into a higher-speed logical link promises to improve data-transfer rates to collaborating communities of wireless mobile multi- homed devices. Such bandwidth aggregation systems must adapt to link dynamics as the number of links and the channel conditions vary with time due to mobility, power dissipation, and channel interference. A monitoring architecture that accurately measures the link dynamics and promptly feeds this information to the system is vital to realize significant bandwidth aggregation performance gains. In this paper we present various architectural design alternatives for such a monitoring system, and evaluate them using both analysis and simulation. We show that a properly- designed monitoring system can accurately measure and quickly respond to changes in communication link performance while minimizing the control overhead.

12 Pages

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