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Entangling gates using Josephson circuits

Migliore, R.; Konstadopoulou, A.; Vourdas, A.; Spiller, T.P.; Messina, A.


Keyword(s): quantum information; entanglement; Josephson junction; qubit

Abstract: Please Note. This abstract contains mathematical formulae which cannot be represented here. A system consisting of two Josephson qubits coupled through a quantum monochromatic electromagnetic field mode is studied. It is shown that for certain values of the parameters, it can be used as an entangling gate, which entangles the two qubits whilst the electromagnetic field remains disentangled. The gate operates with decent fidelity to a gate and could form the basis for initial experimental investigations of coupled superconducting qubits. Notes: R. Migliore and A. Messina, INFM, MIUR and Department of Physical and Astronomical Sciences, Via Archirafi, 36 Palermo, Italy R. Migliore, A. Konstadopoulou and A. Vourdas, Department of Computing , University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP UK

8 Pages

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