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CC/PP and UAProf: Issues, Improvements and Future Directions

Butler, Mark H.


Keyword(s): DELI; UAProf; CC/PP; delivery context; device independence; WAP

Abstract: Different web-enabled devices have different input, output, hardware, software, and network capabilities. In order for a web server to provide optimized content to different clients it requires a description of the capabilities of the client known as the delivery context. Recently two new compatible standards have been created for describing delivery context: Composite Capabilities / Preferences Profile (CC/PP) created by the W3C and User Agent Profile (UAProf) created by the WAP Forum. This paper describes a number of issues, possible improvements and future directions for CC/PP and UAProf that have been identified in the course of work at HP Labs Bristol on device independence, and the creation DELI, an experimental open-source library that simplifies deploying these standards within servlets.

6 Pages

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