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Nonclassicality and information exchange in deterministic entanglement formation

de Oliveira, Marcos; Munro, William


Keyword(s): quantum information; coherent pulses; quantum gate

Abstract: We discuss the role of classicality of quantum states as necessary quantum resources for deterministic generation of multipartite entangled states. In particular for three bilinearly coupled modes of the electromagnetic field, tuning of the coupling constants between the parties allows the total system to evolve into both Bell and GHZ states only when one of the parties is initially prepared in a nonclassical state. The superposition resource is then converted into an entanglement resource. Notes: Marcos de Oliveira, Departamento de Fisica, CCET, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Via Washington Luiz Km 235, Sao Carlos, 13565-905, SP, Brazil

6 Pages

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