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The ePerson Snippet Manager: a Semantic Web Application

Banks, Dave; Cayzer, Steve; Dickinson, Ian; Reynolds, Dave


Keyword(s): semantic web; knowledge management; personal information management

Abstract: In this report we describe the lessons and experiences from developing a substantial semantic web application in the domain of community knowledge management. This application, the Snippet Manager, is built upon our ongoing ePerson investigation. An ePerson is a personal representative on the net that is trusted by a user to store personal information, and make it available under appropriate controls. Our prototype Snippet Manager is a tool into which a community of users can deposit small items of information (e.g. notes, bookmarks, news items) and annotate, structure and share them with others in the community. The infrastructure and architecture we developed, and the insights arising from this work, are applicable to many semantic web information management applications.

84 Pages

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