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WISE -A Simulator Toolkit for Ubiquitous Computing Scenarios

Vijayraghavan, Vikram; Barton, John J.


Keyword(s): ubiquitous; pervasive; nomadic; simulator; toolkit; Java

Abstract: This paper presents WISE, a simulator toolkit developed for exploring the new generation of wireless devices, their interactions, and the wireless infrastructure and services designed for these devices. WISE stands for Wireless infrastructure Simulation Environment. Our focus is on the layers of software and that lie above basic device function and networking protocols. Ultimately we hope WISE will develop into a simulator for pervasive or ubiquitous computing. Notes: Presented at the UbiTools '01 Workshop on Application Models and Programming Tools for Ubiquitous Computing, UBICOMP 2001, 30 September 2001, Atlanta, GA

4 Pages

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