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A Proofing, Templating and Purposing Engine in Java and C#/.NET

Sturgill, Margaret; Simske, Steven


Keyword(s): publishing; templating; proofing; .NET; Java; repurposing

Abstract: A UI-controlled application for proofing, template definition, ground truth determination, and enabling of multi-purposing/re-purposing was simultaneously engineered in JAVA and in C#/ .NET incorporating, as needed, legacy C++ libraries. Fulfilling the quality assurance requirements of a print-on-demand (printing, publishing & metadata tagging) process, the application also provides a ready means for templating, ground truthing & repurposing capabilities by allowing borders and region (bit depth, type) specification. Its output is in XML in accordance with a general schema written to provide sufficient metadata for publishing, repurposing & template definition. This user-defined data set also comprises "ground truth" of the viewed image and thus is by definition a 100% accurate representation of the current image layout. We also compare and contrast the implementation in the Java and C#/.NET programming environments.

25 Pages

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