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Control Architecture for Service Grids in a Federation of Utility Data Centers

Graupner, Sven; Kotov, Vadim; Trinks, Holger; Andrzejak, Artur


Keyword(s): grid computing; utility computing; utility data center; control architecture; virtual data center

Abstract: Growing complexity and cost of system deployment, ownership and operation pushes to look for economical, yet limitless ways to organize and manage large-scale computing in science, technology and businesses. The two most prominent examples are the concepts of the Utility Data Center [1] and the Grid [2]. One of the hard problems in system management is the distributed resource allocation problem. We assume that no global information about resource availability and demands for resources can be provided due to the scale and dynamism of large systems. The paper introduces an architecture of an automated service demand-supply control system that is part of a large-scale Grid infrastructure comprised of a federation of distributed Utility Data Centers.

12 Pages

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