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A Framework for Evaluating Replica Placement Algorithms

Karlsson, Magnus; Karamanolis, Christos; Mahalingam, Mallik


Keyword(s): replica placement algorithms; content delivery networks; evaluation framework; file allocation problem

Abstract: This paper introduces a framework for evaluating replica placement algorithms (RPA) for content delivery networks (CDN) as well as RPAs from other fields that might be applicable to current or future CDNs. First, the framework classifies and qualitatively compares RPAs using a generic set of primitives that capture problem definitions and heuristics. Second, it provides estimates for the decision times of RPAs using an analytic model. To achieve accuracy, the model takes into account disk accesses and message sizes, in addition to computational complexity and message numbers that have been considered traditionally. Third, it uses the "goodness" of produced placements to compare RPAs even when they have different problem definitions. Based on these evaluations, we identify open issues and potential areas for future research.

12 Pages

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