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Scalable, Efficient Range Queries for Grid Information Services

Andrzejak, Artur; Xu, Zhichen


Keyword(s): peer-to-peer search; range queries; grid information services

Abstract: Recent Peer-to-Peer systems such as Tapestry, Chord or CAN act primarily as a Distributed Hash Table (DHT). To facilitate efficient range queries in such a system, we propose a CAN-based extension of this DHT- functionality. The design of our extension suggests several range query strategies; their efficiency is investigated. A further goal is to enhance the routing aspects so that also frequently changing data can be handled efficiently. We show that some relatively simple approaches are able to reduce the communication overhead. The design of the system is driven by its application as a part of the information infrastructure for computational grids. Our approach complements current solutions such as MDS-2 by adding self-organization, fault-tolerance and an ability to handle dynamic attributes. We evaluate our system in this context via a simulation which confirms that the suggested design meets the targeted objectives. Notes: Copyright IEEE To be presented at and published in the Second IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 5-7 September 2002, Linkoping, Sweden

8 Pages

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