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Weak force detection with superposed coherent states

Munro, William J.; Nemoto, Kae; Milburn, Gerard J.; Braunstein, Sam L.


Keyword(s): quantum information; coherent pulses; quantum gate

Abstract: We investigate the utility of non classical states of simple harmonic oscillators, particularly a superposition of coherent states, for sensitive force detection. We find that a superposition of coherent states offers the same advantage as squeezed states and that, like squeezed states, entangling these states offers no significant advantage. Notes: Kae Nemoto & Sam L. Braunstein, School of Informatics, Dean Street, University of Wales, Bangor, LL57 1UT, UK Gerard J. Milburn, Institute for Quantum Information, California Institute of Technology, MC 107-81, Pasadena, CA 91125-8100, USA

6 Pages

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