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Structured Content Independent Scalable Meta-formats (SCISM) for Media Type Agnostic Transcoding

Mukherjee, Debargha; Said, Amir


Keyword(s): scalable media;content adaptation; transcoding; universal meta-format

Abstract: This paper develops a universal meta-format (SCISM) and methodology for representation and transcoding of arbitrary scalable content. The abstractions in the meta-format are generic enough to be applicable to any type of media with only a loose restriction on the encoding structure. Scalable bit-streams are naturally organized in a manner such that representation in compliance with the meta-format is straightforward. By interpreting the generic meta-format, a universal transcoder can transcode the content appropriately to suit the needs and preferences of recipients, without knowledge of the specifics of the content, its encoding and/or encryption. The transcoder just needs to be told what the structure of the particular content that goes through it is, and how this content is to be transcoded to achieve the desired transcoding operation. This is meta-data information, which can either be part of the header of the media itself, or can be conveyed to a transcoder separately for an entire class of content. The media meta-data, along with a standardized specification of the capabilities and preferences conveyed by a media destination are all that a transcoder needs to adapt format compliant scalable content appropriately. With universal transcoders, different transcoding infrastructures are no longer needed for different types of scalable media.

26 Pages

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