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Statistical Service Assurances for Applications in Utility Grid Environments

Rolia, Jerry; Zhu, Xiaoyun; Arlitt, Martin; Andrzejak, Artur


Keyword(s): resource management; grid computing; utility computing; business applications

Abstract: Utility grid environments offer programmatic access to information technology (IT) resources for applications. There is a substantial literature regarding admission control, resource reservation, and scheduling in support of engineering and scientific jobs for grids. Typically each job is associated with a duration and peak requirements for resources. In this paper we focus on techniques to support admission control and advance resource reservation for applications with statistical demand characterizations. We consider business applications which require resources continuously but that have resource demands that change regularly based on factors such as time of day and day of week. We present an approach for statistically characterizing the demand profiles of business applications for utility grids. The profiles provide a grid with time varying expectations and bounds on application resource requirements. We present a method that provides statistical assurances regarding the number of resources needed to satisfy the combined requirements of many applications over time. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach with a case study that uses resource utilization information from 48 data center servers. Simulation experiments explore the sensitivity of the assurances to correlations between application resource demands and the precision of the demand profiles.

21 Pages

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