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Seaborne, Andy


Keyword(s): semantic web; RDF; NetAPI; internet engineering

Abstract: Part of fulfilling the vision of the Semantic Web is the exchange of RDF data between computer systems. The web enables the reuse of document resources so that people, and now systems, can obtain, combine and process information from other systems without explicit producer-consumer relationships. One precursor for the Semantic Web to achieve critical mass will be a common framework for accessing RDF data, one sufficiently common that the majority of applications will use it, the majority of publication host systems support it. This paper reports on some initial work on a NetAPI for accessing and updating RDF data over the web. The NetAPI includes actions for conditional extraction or update of RDF data, actions for model upload and download and also the ability to enquire about the capabilities of a hosting server. An initial experimental system is described which partially implements these ideas within the Jena RDF toolkit. Notes:

3 Pages

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