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Using CDL in a UDDI Registry 1.0: UDDI Working Draft Best Practices Document

Kuno, Harumi; Lemon, Mike; Beringer, Dorothea


Keyword(s): web-services; E-Service composition; conversation policies; XML-based message exchange; agent systems for e-commerce

Abstract: Electronic commerce is moving towards a vision of web- service based interactions, where corporate enterprises use web-services to interact with each other dynamically. For example, a service in one enterprise could spontaneously decide to engage a service fronted by another enterprise. The Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) specifications define a way to publish and discover information about Web services. The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) defines a general purpose XML language for describing the interface and protocol bindings of network services. The Conversation Definitiion Language (CDL) provides a standard way to model the public processes of a service, thus enabling network services to participate in rich interactions. Together, UDDI, WSDL, and CDL enable developers to implement web services capable of spontaneously engaging in dynamic and complex inter-enterprise interactions. In this document, we clarify the relationship between CDL, UDDI, and WSDL. In particular, we describe how together these three components can be used to create an environment in which services can spontaneously discover each other and then engage in complicated interactions.

14 Pages

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