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A Framework for Analyzing and Organizing Complex Systems

Graupner, Sven; Kotov, Vadim; Trinks, Holger


Keyword(s): distributed systems; system management; system model; optimization; model-based management; system factory

Abstract: This paper discusses a framework and advanced technologies enabling the quantitative analysis, organization and optimization of large-scale, globally distributed enterprise and e-service systems. The goal is to organize complex systems in such ways that traffic at application and service layers can be better explained, predicted and controlled. In distinction to traffic management at the network layer, our work approaches higher system perspectives where architectural decisions are made about the overall organization of work and task flows, the global placement of data and applications, caching and replication etc. Those decisions are significant for the traffic induced in the system later on. Little support is provided today for designing and evaluating large-scale systems from these perspectives, primarily caused by the difficulties in developing realistic computerized models reflecting dynamic characteristics of services, applications, access patterns, resource demands and capacities. Novel approaches presented here have been developed to formalize models providing the basis for analysis and understanding large-scale systems from top-level perspectives. The notion of 'systems of systems' refers to viewing systems from different perspectives and capturing the various aspects at different levels of granularity. Case studies with earlier versions of our approach have been carried out with two big corporate partners.

16 Pages

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