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Implementing Content Negotiation using CC/PP and WAP UAProf

Butler, Mark H.


Keyword(s): device independence; content negotiation; composite capabilities / preferences profile; CC/PP; resource description framework; RDF; jena; WAP; wireless access protocol forum; user agent profile; UAProf

Abstract: Content negotiation is a technique relevant to device independence that allows servers to provide clients with the most appropriate resource from a number of alternates. Several standards have been proposed for content negotiation including HTTP/1.1 server based content negotiation, media feature sets and most recently the Composite Capabilities / Preferences Profile (CC/PP). CC/PP, unlike the other two methods, is only concerned with the client profile and does not specify mechanisms for describing alternate versions of content or matching client profiles to content descriptions. In order to better understand how CC/PP may be used this report describes an implementation of HTTP/1.1-style content negotiation that uses CC/PP client profiles and RDF content descriptions. The Jena RDF Framework developed at HP Labs is used to implement a negotiation algorithm similar to that used by Apache Web Server. As CC/PP is compatible with the forthcoming Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) User Agent Profile (UAProf) these techniques are applicable to the next generation of WAP devices. This is demonstrated using an example profile taken from the current WAP Forum documentation.

16 Pages

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