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Customized Library of Modules for STREAMS-based TCP/IP Implementation to Support Content-Aware Request Processing for Web Applications

Tang, Wenting; Cherkasova, Ludmila; Russel, Lance; Mutka, Matt W.


Keyword(s): content-aware request distribution; scalable web server clusters; TCP handoff; STREAMS; WebQoS; web differentiated services

Abstract: Content-aware request processing enables the intelligent routing and request processing inside the cluster to provide the quality of service requirements for different types of content and to improve overall cluster performance. STREAMS-based TCP/IP implementation in HP-UX 11.0 provides a convenient framework to design a library of new STREAMS modules to support content-aware request distribution and differentiation inside a cluster. Proposed modules take into account specifics of different cluster architectures and workload characteristics. These modules are designed as dynamically loadable modules and no changes are made to the existing TCP/IP code. The proposed design has the following advantages: flexibility - new modules may be loaded and unloaded dynamically, without node function interruption; modularity - proposed modules may be ported to other OSes with minimal effort. More importantly, the proposed STREAMS modules can be easily integrated and deployed into commercial OS systems, so the end users may take advantage of these solutions much sooner. Notes: Copyright IEEE. Published in the IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Issues in E- commerce and Web-Based Information Systems, June 21- 22, 2001, San Jose, CA

10 Pages

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