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Corporate Source: Applying Open Source Concepts to a Corporate Environment (Position Paper)

Dinkelacker, Jamie; Garg, Pankaj K.


Keyword(s): Open Source; software engineering; software reuse; software process; library

Abstract: Corporate Source harnesses the power of the Open Source (TM) development method for HP. The basic idea is to make available source code from various HPL projects to members of the HP software engineering community. This is analogous to the research library's current processes of making available HPL technical reports within the company. Using the Corporate Service, members of HPL can "publish" their software such that it can be browsed and used by anyone inside HP. Over time, in an Open Source (TM) manner, submitted software will find use in other parts of the company and be improved by not just the original authors, but also by members of the HP software engineering community at large.

8 Pages

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