Attribute Description Type Requirement allowspawning can this process spawn new processes? Optional application set the app name; optional on some actions String classpathref a reference to the classpath to use to run smartfrog Reference failonerror set the fail on error flag. boolean host set the hostname to deploy to (optional) String includeantruntime If a new classpath is passed in, should the existing one (used when declaring the task) be included? If it is not, the new classpath must include smartfrog.jar. Default: false. boolean inifile An ini file can contain data that overrides the basic settings. File initialsmartfrogfile the name of a smartfrog file to load File livenesscheckperiod liveness check in seconds; optional int livenesscheckretries retry count int port port of daemon int spawntimeout when to assume a spawn failed -in seconds. int tasktimeout set the timeout of a task, in seconds. After this time it will be killed. int