Sf-stopdaemon Task

Sf-stopdaemon Task
Ant task to stop a smartfrog daemon on a host As the daemon is just another process, this is implemented as a call to shut down the application named 'rootProcess'.
Apache Ant
Ant task to stop a smartfrog daemon on a host As the daemon is just another process, this is implemented as a call to shut down the application named 'rootProcess'. By default this target raises an error when the application cannot be stopped, and has a timeout set to the standard default value. {@link SmartFrogTask#DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE}.
Attribute Description Type Requirement allowspawning can this process spawn new processes? boolean Optional classpathref a reference to the classpath to use to run smartfrog Reference failonerror set the fail on error flag. boolean host set the hostname to deploy to (optional, defaults to localhost) Some tasks do not allow this to be set at all. String includeantruntime If a new classpath is passed in, should the existing one (used when declaring the task) be included? If it is not, the new classpath must include smartfrog.jar. Default: false. boolean inifile Name an ini file can contain data that overrides the basic settings. File initialsmartfrogfile the name of a smartfrog file to load on startupe File livenesscheckperiod liveness check in seconds; optional int livenesscheckretries retry count for liveness checks. int logstacktraces should the runtime log stack traces? boolean port port of daemon; optional -default is 3800 Some tasks do not allow this to be set at all. int securityref set a reference to the security types Reference spawn sets the spawn flag. makes it hard (no, impossible!) to log outputs. only recommended for long-lived tasks, and complicates failonerror and timeout logic boolean spawntimeout when to assume a spawn failed -in seconds. int timeout set the timeout for execution. This is incompatible with spawning. long 
Parameters as nested elements
 assertions (org.apache.tools.ant.types.Assertions) assertions to enable in this program   classpath (org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path) the classpath to run the parser   propertyfile (org.smartfrog.tools.ant.PropertyFile) add a property file to the JVM   security (org.smartfrog.tools.ant.Security) set a security definition   syspropertyset (org.apache.tools.ant.types.PropertySet) Adds a set of properties as system properties.  

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