
SmartFrog ANT wrapper Component

Draft. To be completed.


SF ANT wrapper component is designed to help the user to use any ANT ( task as an SmartFrog component.

Almost any ANT task can be mapped into the sf language and used with this component.

The following table shows the attributes that need to be configured for using this component.


Attribute NameDescriptionOptional/Mandatory
asynch Boolean attribute to run the ANT task/s asynchronously. Default value: false;Optional
shouldDetachBoolean attribute enables self detachment of the component after it upload/download files.Optional ( Default is false)
shouldTerminateBoolean attribute enables self termination of the component after it upload/download files.Optional ( Default is false)


To copy files:

sfConfig extends Ant {

asynch false;

echoTask extends echo {

message "hellow world!";


echoAntTask extends echo {

message "Ant version '${ant.version}', java version '${}' ";


copyTask extends copy {

todir "tmp";

filtering "true";

myFileSet extends fileset {

dir ".";

includes "*.xml";


myFilterSet extends filterset {

myFiltersFile extends {

AntElement "filtersfile";

file "/filters.props";





To set properties:

#include "org/smartfrog/services/ant/components.sf"

sfConfig extends Compound {

value "17"

ant extends Ant {

-- extends property {

name "propertyname";

value LAZY PARENT:value;




For more information refer to example to “org/smartfrog/services/ant/example.sf” and ANT documentation.