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The Quantum Science Research (QSR) group in HP Labs has achieved important results and been granted key patents in techniques that could make practical the fabrication of molecular-scale electronic devices. The team and some of its individual members have received considerable recognition for their work.


Scientific American 50
- R. Stanley Williams, HP Fellow and Director, Quantum Science Research (QSR) in HP Labs, and two members of his team, Yong Chen and computer architect Philip J. Kuekes, were named jointly as Research Leader in Manufacturing by Scientific American magazine for their work in advancing molecular electronics and nano-imprint lithography. Also named was James R. Heath, current UCLA professor, whose group collaborates with QSR. The list recognizes scientific and technological contributions that provide a vision of a better future.

Industry Week 10th annual Technology and Innovation Awards program
The editors of the leading manufacturing management magazine selected HP Labs' achievements in molecular electronics as one of the seven Technologies of the year.


MIT Technology Review, "5 Patents that will Transform Business & Technology," - "Molecular wire crossbar memory," U. S. Patent 6,128,214; issued October 3, 2000 to Philip J. Kuekes, R. Stanley Williams and their UCLA collaborator, James Heath, was selected as one of five of the most influential by the prestigious magazine it its May 2001 issue.


Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology
The Experimental Prize went to the multidisciplinary team of chemist R. Stanley Williams and computer scientist Philip Kuekes, along with chemist James Heath of UCLA, cited for building a molecular switch, They were cited for building a molecular switch, a major step toward their long-term goal of building entire memory chips that are just a hundred nanometers wide. Two prizes are given annually, one for theoretical work and one for experimental achievement.

Molecular Movers and Shakers - Nature magazine choose the Quantum Science Research team of Yong Chen, Douglass A.A. Ohlberg, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, Y. A. Chang and R. Stanley Williams as Molecular Movers and Shakers for 2000 for their paper, "Self-assembled growth of epitaxial erbium disilicide nanowires on silicon (001)," Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 4004-6

Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics
R. Stanley Williams, Director of Quantum Science Research at HP Labs, and his collaborator, chemist Jim Heath of UCLA, received this honor for their pioneering work in nanotechnology applications. The Springer Prize, one of the most prestigious international awards in the field, is awarded by the publishers of Applied Physics, the preeminent European journal in applied physics.

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