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Nanoscale molecular-switch devices fabricated by imprint lithography

reprinted with permission from Applied Physics Letters
March 10, 2003 -- Volume 82, Issue 10, pp. 1610-1612

» © 2003, American Institute of Physics

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Molecular electronics offers the tantalizing prospect of eventually building circuits with critical dimensions of a few nanometers. Some basic devices utilizing molecules have been demonstrated, including tunnel junctions with negative differential resistance, rectifiers and electrically configurable switches that have been used in simple electronic memory and logic circuits. A major challenge that remains is to show that such devices can be fabricated economically using a process that will scale to circuits with large numbers of elements while maintaining their desired electronic properties.

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  • Yong Chen, Douglas A. A. Ohlberg, Xuema Li, Duncan R. Stewart, and R. Stanley Williams Quantum Science Research, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
  • Jan O. Jeppesen, Kent A. Nielsen, and J. Fraser Stoddart, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and The California NanoSystems Institute, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Deirdre L. Olynick and Erik Anderson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
More about the HP Labs authors:

Yong Chen Yong Chen is a senior scientist at HP Labs, working in the area of molecular electronics. He received his PhD in Materials Science (Minor, Electrical Engineering) from the University of California, Berkeley. Before joining HP, he worked at the National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Nanjing University, P.R.China, and at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, University of California. In 2002, he was among those named to the inaugural "Scientific American 50."

Xuema Li Xuema Li is a process engineer at HP Labs. She jointed the Quantum Science Research Lab in 2000, and has been working on nano fabrication of semiconductor materials. She is interested in a variety of processes, which include RIE etching, e-beam and optical lithography, CVD growing and film deposition. She has a MS degree in Material Science.

Doug A. A. Ohlberg received a BS in chemistry in 1989 from California State University, Fresno. His MS in chemistry was obtained in 1995 at the University of California, Los Angeles, with R. Stanley Williams (now director of the Quantum Science Research Lab) as his advisor. From 1994 to 1996, he worked as a Graduate Fellow for Sandia National Laboratories in the flat panel display initiative. He joined the Quantum Structures Research Initiative at Hewlett-Packard as an R&D specialist in 1996.

Duncan Stewart Duncan Stewart is a researcher at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, investigating the physics of molecular electronic transport and devices. He received a BASc in Engineering Physics from the University of Toronto in 1992, and a PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford University in 1999. He joined the Quantum Science Research group, directed by Stan Williams, in September 1999.

Stan Williams Stan Williams is a Senior HP Fellow and director of Quantum Science Research at HP Labs, conducting research into nanoscale science and the fundamental physics of switching, with an emphasis on molecular electronics. His research interests are in the areas of solid-state chemistry and physics and their application to technology. His awards for scientific and academic achievement include the Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, the Sloan Foundation Fellowship, the Julius Springer Award for Applied Physics and the Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology. In 2002, Williams was among those named to the inaugural "Scientific American 50."

Applied Physics Letters copyright notice:
This paper is reprinted with permission from Applied Physics Letters, March 10, 2003 -- Volume 82, Issue 10, pp. 1610-1612, © 2003, American Institute of Physics.

This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the authors and the American Institute of Physics (rights@aip.org)

» Nanoscale molecular-switch devices fabricated by imprint lithography
© 2003, AIP
» Applied Physics Letters
» Quantum Science Research
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