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Dynamics of Multiagent Systems

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Multiagent systems arise in human societies, biological ecosystems, the immune system and distributed computation. While very different in detail they all face the issue of producing complex global behavior through the local interactions of their constituent parts. This is particularly problematic since the individual parts have only a limited view of the system as a whole.

Dynamics of Cooperation in Societies

» Social dilemmas
encouraging cooperation among self-interested agents

» Informal organizations

» Stability of multiagent systems
including speculative bubbles

Computational Societies and Economies

Large collections of computational agents have many analogies to market economies and biological ecosystems in that the individuals must make decisions, based on local information that is often incomplete, out of date and uncertain.

» Dynamics and control of multiagent systems

» Cooperative problem solving

» Computational markets
using market mechanisms in distributed computing

Agent-Based Control of Smart Matter

Smart matter consists of sensors, actuators and computers embedded in physical materials. These devices can alter physical properties of the material under program control. When the number of devices is large, multiagent systems can provide robust distributed control through analogies with biological ecosystems, economic markets and the scientific community.

» Control of smart matter

» Quantum smart matter

» Information Dynamics Lab

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