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Mobile Microscopic Sensors for High-Resolution in vivo Diagnostics

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Tad Hogg and Philip J. Kuekes


Molecular electronics and nanoscale chemical sensors could enable constructing microscopic sensors capable of detecting patterns of chemicals in a fluid. Information from a large number of such devices flowing passively in the bloodstream allows estimating properties of tiny chemical sources in a macroscopic tissue volume. We use estimates of plausible device capabilities to evaluate their performance for typical chemicals released into the blood by tissues in response to localized injury or infection. We find the devices can readily discriminate a single cell-sized chemical source from the background chemical concentration, providing high-resolution sensing in both time and space. By contrast, such a chemical source would be difficult to distinguish from background when diluted throughout the blood volume as obtained with a blood sample.

Full paper in pdf format, published in Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 2:239-247 (2006)

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