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Multimedia capture and display


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People in an HP Halo conference

Research opportunities

Multimedia communication -- via mobile phone, webcam or the very latest in video conferencing technology -- is improving all the time. HP Labs aims to make these experiences as realistic as possible.


Research focus

Researchers are investigating how the high-quality capture and display of images and sounds can create a realistic, immersive experience that mimics being face-to-face in the real world.

Our research focuses on multi-camera capture devices and multi-projector displays, improved audio technologies, unusual aspect ratios, novel curved screens and multi-view displays. The goal is to make it possible to experience remote spaces the same as local ones.

Current work

Major ongoing projects include:

  • Pluribus -- a flexible, multi-projector system technology design to allow allows customers to project crystal-clear, wall-sized images for one-tenth the price of current projection systems.
  • FanCamera -- a multi-camera device that captures a seamless image of activity within a broad field of view.
  • Panoply -- a single, curved widescreen display seamlessly woven together from multiple projector images. The goal is to allow life-size displays of people.
  • Immersive audio -- research exploring using multiple microphones to capture the full audio experience of a remote event and reproducing it on multiple speakers. The aim is to make it possible for people at a particular location at a virtual conference table to be heard from that location, even when they are really on another continent.
  • Multi-channel acoustic echo control -- researching the highly complex task of canceling the echo created when multiple microphones pick up the sound from multiple loudspeakers in the same room.

We’re also working to communicate eye contact in the same way it works when people are face-to-face. For example, a person should be able to look directly into the eyes of only one other person at a time. Currently, no commercial video communication system achieves this.

Technical contributions

Many HP Labs innovations in multimedia capture and display are used in HP’s Halo collaboration studio. These innovations are also applicable to home theater and multimedia gaming, making these experiences more real and immersive.

Media, mobility & communications

» Multimedia capture & display
  » Media networking & communications  
  » Distributed systems networking  
  » Mobile service platforms  
  » Interactive media experiences  
  » Digital rights & secure media  
  » Media & information systems  

Related research

»  Pluribus multi-projector technology
»  Vision and graphics

Learn more

»  Halo collaboration studio
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