My current project
focus is to develop application prototype and
solution architecture in a service-oriented
environment for a shopping assistant system that
aims to improve in-store customer shopping
experiences. To the retailers, a richer and more
engaging customer shopping experience is the key
to retain loyal customers and increase the value
of customers’ shopping baskets.
The overall solution architecture is based on
service-oriented approach. Through web service
invocation paradigm, the architecture uniformly supports
shopping-related kiosk applications at different touch
points (in physical stores, through home desktops, or by
mobile devices). These touch points serve as the entries
to the network of services provided by the retailers,
their business partners that include manufacturers and
banks/credit card companies , and other service
providers that offer information brokerage and
social-networking services. The architecture provides a
common set of interfaces and services to enable
networked service invocation and composition and data
sharing. The customers are exposed to a rich set of
information and advisory support, tailored to their own
shopping experiences at different touch points.
The following are the basic design principles that we
followed to build the system:
- A uniform browser/web application
presentation is provided across various touch
points. End-user applications are developed as
web-based application hosted remotely by a web
server and these applications are accessed via the
universal client browser installed at different
touch points.
- Web service based invocation is the
communication mechanism between service providers.
Web services can be composed via workflow
orchestration that supports asynchronous event-based
interactions and human-in-the-loop.
- Seamless migration of shopping experiences
between different touch points.
- Services can be personalized and customer
privacies are enforced when delivering personalized
- A mobile device is a personal assistant to store
personal information, to provide identity tokens,
and to capture user interests and intention, and
offers a service delivery platform that is an
alternative or extension to an in-store kiosk
Some core technologies that we have developed to
enable this solution architecture includes:
- Multi-Channel Session Management: The
system maintains a global user’s shopping session
that crosses different platforms and touch points.
The user can start a session at the store kiosk,
save that session and continue the session at home,
and then go to the store again and recall that same
session at the store kiosk. Please consult [1] for details.
- Web Service Security: The SAML
certificates are used to encode authentication and
authorization decisions. A federated access control
management derived from authorization-based access
control is provided to enable cross-organization web
service resource access. Please consult [2], [3] for details.
- Customer Privacy Protection: To protect
customer privacies, we allow customers to specify
access control policies on personal information at a
fine granularity (down to a cell level in database
tables), grouped by service access purposes (e.g., a
grocery store shopping at Safeway) that can be
dependent on services, services providers, and
location of services. Please consult [4] for details.
- Event Notification: Certain real-time
services such as product promotions and advisory
support may not be immediately available to the
customers. Our solution enables these services via
asynchronous event-based interactions and service
delivery. A web-service enabled eventing layer is
built upon Microsoft Notification Services and
follow the publish/subscribe paradigm. Service
requests are translated as events and then routed to
service providers that subscribe to these events.
The responses from the service providers are also
translated as events and delivered back to the
requestors as event notifications, given that the
requestors subscribe to these response events.
Selected Publications:
[1] I. Ari, J. Li, R. Ghosh and M. Dekhil, "Services:
Providing session management as core business service,"
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on
World Wide Web WWW '07, May 2007. (pdf)
[2]. Li, A. H. Karp, "Access Control for the Services
Oriented Architecture, " Proceedings of the 2007 ACM
workshop on Secure web services SWS '07, pp. 9-17, Nov.
2007. (pdf)
[3]J. Li, A. H. Karp, "Zebra Copy: A Reference
Implementation of Federated Access Management,"
HPL-2007-105, July, 2007. Accessible via
[4]W. Cheng, J. Li, K. Moore, A. H. Karp, "MUPPET:
Mobile Ubiquitous Privacy Protection for Electronic
Transactions," HPL-2006-141R1, Oct. 2006. Accessible via
http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2006/HPL-2006-141R1.html .