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Alan H. Karp


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Alan H. Karp

I am heading the Virus Safe Computing Initiative at Hewlett Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto, California, where we are developing a virus safe computing environment for Microsoft Windows. You can learn more about what we do from the video of a talk I gave at Google.


I have a BS in Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Ph.D. in Astronomy from the University of Maryland.  I was an assistant professor of physics at Dartmouth College before spending 15 years at IBM, where I did research in a variety of areas involving large scale scientific computing. I joined HP Labs in 1992 where I have worked on tools for debugging parallel programs, the EPIC architecture embodied in the HP/Intel Itanium chip, and e-speak, a distributed system for conducting business on the Internet.

Interesting Work

E-speak: Documentation and distributions

Site Password: A tool for managing all your passwords

Polaris is a virus safe computing environment for Windows XP. With Polaris, a virus that happens to run on your machine won't be able to do much harm. For an example, see Polaris: The Movie.

SCoopFS (the "F" is silent): Simple Cooperative File Sharing.

Other Info

Selected Publications

HP Labs Technical Reports

Contact Information

Phone: (650) 857-3967
Fax: (650) 857-7029
Email: alan.karp@hp.com

Mailing Address:

Hewlett-Packard Company
HP Laboratories
1501 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Location of cubicle: Building 3 Upper under the penguin near pillar H37

Last updated on Thursday, December 14, 2009

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