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Partha Ranganathan named to Technology Review 35

Pioneer in energy-efficient computing among top young innovators


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By Jamie Beckett, Aug. 2007

Partha Ranganathan, a leader in the field of energy-efficient computing, has been named one of the world's top young innovators by MIT's Technology Review.

Selected from more than 300 nominees by a panel of expert judges and the editorial staff of Technology Review magazine, Ranganathan is one of 35 innovators under the age of 35 judged to exemplify the spirit of innovation in business, technology and the arts.

Ranganathan, who is focused on designing power- and energy-efficient systems for future computing environments, was among the earliest to recognize that power and heat management are a key impediment to further innovation in the compute fabric. To address the problem, he is driving new architectures — from the chip level to the data center level, from handhelds to supercomputers — that have the potential to significantly improve functionality, but without compromising costs.

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Related links

» Partha Ranganathan
» Technology Review: Young innovators under 35
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Partha Ranganathan

"Partha has a unique combination of vision, ambition, drive, and a passion to change the world," says Rich Friedrich, director of the Enterprise Systems and Storage Lab at HP Labs. "His work has already had a profound impact on the broader computing community, and he is well-set to continue creating transformational changes in the future."

Ranganathan has pioneered several methods to systematically address key bottlenecks in future systems. All of his work has the potential to dramatically increase power efficiency, and in some cases could produce millions of dollars in savings for large data centers.

Some recent achievements include:

  • Ensemble-level power management technology for future blade servers that enforces the power budget in software and across a collection of servers.
  • Facilities-aware data center resource provisioning that adapts workload scheduling to optimize for power and cooling costs as well as performance.
  • Energy-adaptive displays and energy-aware user interfaces, which introduced the idea of displays that could adapt their energy consumption based on user interest.
  • Heterogeneous (or asymmetric) multi-core architectures that design core diversity into chip multiprocessors to better match workload requirements to architectural efficiency.

Currently, he is leading an ambitious project within HP to design the next-generation compute fabric for data centers with a scale of 10,000 processors.

Ranganathan is the third HP Labs researcher chosen for the Technology Review 35 (TR35).

In 2003, John Apostolopoulos, who is widely known for his work in multimedia communication, was named to the list. A year earlier, Susie Wee — now director of the Mobile and Media Systems Lab — received the honor.

The three are among an elite group that has included Google Founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page; Linus Torvalds, founding developer of Linux, and Joshua Schachter of Del.icio.us.

"The TR35 honors young innovators for accomplishments that are poised to have a dramatic impact on the world as we know it," said Jason Pontin, editor in chief and publisher of Technology Review magazine. "We celebrate their success and look forward to their continued advancement of technology in their respective fields."

Ranganathan and other 2007 winners will be featured in the September issue of Technology Review and honored at the Emerging Technologies Conference at MIT in September.

Additional information about past and present winners and judges is available at www.technologyreview.com/tr35/.

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