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November 1998,
Volume 50, Issue 1


HP SnapLED: LED Assemblies for Automotive Signal Lighting
by James W. Stewart
OTDR APIs Enable Customers to Build Their Own Systems
by Torsten Born and Peter Thoma
Updating a UNIX Application Suite for the Windows NT World
by Thomas W. Hutchinson and Ronald R. Derynck
Integrating Real-Time Systems with Corporate Information Systems
by Ronald R. Derynck and Thomas W. Hutchinson
New Approaches to Creating and Testing Internationalized Software
by Harry J. Robinson and Sankar L. Chakrabarti
Comparison of Finite-Difference and SPICE Tools for Thermal Modeling of the Effects of Nonuniform Power Generation in High-Power CPUs
by Jeffrey L. Deeney and C. Michael Ramsey
A Low-Complexity, Fixed-Rate Compression Scheme for Color Images and Documents
by Nader Moayeri

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