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February 1996,
Volume 47, Issue 1


Symmetric Multiprocessing Workstations and Servers System-Designed for High Performance and Low Cost
by Matt J. Harline, Brendan A. Voge, Loren P. Staley, and Badir M. Mousa

Sidebar: K-Class Power System

A High-Performance, Low-Cost Multiprocessor Bus for Workstations and Midrange Servers
by William R. Bryg, Kenneth K. Chan, and Nicholas S. Fiduccia

Sidebar: Runway Bus Electrical Design Considerations

Design of the HP PA 7200 CPU
by Kenneth K. Chan, Cyrus C. Hay, John R. Keller, Gordon P. Kurpanek, Francis X. Schumacher, and Jason Zheng
Verification, Characterization, and Debugging of the HP PA 7200 Processor
by Thomas B. Alexander, Kent A. Dickey, David N. Goldberg, Ross V. La Fetra, James R. McGee, Nazeem Noordeen, and Akshya Prakash
A New Memory System Design for Commercial and Technical Computing Products
by Thomas R. Hotchkiss, Norman D. Marschke, and Richard M. McClosky
Hardware Cache Coherent Input/Output
by Todd J. Kjos, Helen Nusbaum, Michael K. Traynor, and Brendan A. Voge
A 1.0625-Gbit /s Fibre Channel Chipset with Laser Driver
by Justin S. Chang, Richard Dugan, Benny W.H. Lai, and Margaret M. Nakamoto
Applying the Code Inspection Process to Hardware Descriptions
by Joseph J. Gilray
Overview of Code-Domain Power, Timing, and Phase Measurements
by Raymond A. Birgenheier

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