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August 1996,
Volume 47, Issue 4


Implementing the Capability Maturity Model for Software Development
by Douglas E. Lowe and Guy M. Cox
Software Failure Analysis for High-Return Process Improvement Decisions
by Robert B. Grady
Evolutionary Fusion: A Customer-Oriented Incremental Life Cycle for Fusion
by Todd Cotton
The Evolutionary Development Model for Software
by Elaine L. May and Barbara A. Zimmer
HP Domain Analysis: Producing Useful Models for Reusable Software
by Patricia Collins Cornwell
A Model for Platform Development
by Emil Jandourek
A Decision Support System for Integrated Circuit Package Selection
by Craig J. Tanner
Cycle Time Improvement for Fuji IP2 Pick-and-Place Machines
by Fereydoon Safai
Reducing Setup Time for Printed Circuit Assembly
by Richard C. Palm, Jr.
Low-Temperature Solders
by Zequn Mei, Helen A. Holder, and Hubert A. Vander Plas
Assessment of Low-Temperature Fluxes
by Hubert A. Vander Plas, Russell B. Cinque, Zequn Mei, and Helen A. Holder

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