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October 1994,
Volume 45, Issue 5


Customer-Driven Development of a New High-Performance Data Acquisition System,
by Von C. Campbell

A Compact and Flexible Signal Conditioning System for Data Acquisition,
by John M. da Cunha
High-Throughput Amplifier and Analog-to-Digital Converter,
by Ronald J. Riedel
On-the-Fly Engineering Units Conversion,
by Christopher P.J. Kelly
Built-In Self-Test and Calibration for a Scanning Analog-to-Digital Converter,
by Gerald I. Raak and Christopher P.J.
Manufacturing Test Optimization for VXI-Based Scanning Analog-to-Digital Converters,
by Bertram S. Kolts and Rodney K. Village
Design Leverage and Partnering in the Design of a Pressure Scanning Analog-to-Digital Converter
by Richard E. Warren and Conrad R. Proft
Integrated Pin Electronics for Automatic Test Equipment,
by James W. Grace, David M. DiPietro, Akito Kishida, and Kenji Kinsho
CMOS Programmable Delay Vernier
by Masaharu Goto, James O. Barnes, and Ronnie E. Owens
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing in a Mixed-Signal LSI Test System,
by Keita Gunji
Vector Error Testing by Automatic Test Equipment,
by Koji Karube
High-Frequency Impedance Analyzer
by Takanori Yonekura
Virtual Remote: The Centralized Expert,
by Hamish Butler
Frame Relay Conformance Testing,
by Martin Dubuc
The FDDI Ring Manager for the HP Network Advisor Protocol Analyzer,
by Sunil Bhat, Robert H. Kroboth, and Anne L. Driesbach
FDDI Topology Mapping
by Sunil Bhat
Automation of Electrical Overstress Characterization for Semiconductor Devices,
by Carlos H. Diaz

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