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June 1994, Article 1

Corporate Business Servers: An Alternative to Mainframes for Business Computing

With expandable hardware, PA-RISC architecture, symmetric multiprocessing, a new bus structure, and robust error handling, these systems provide a wide range of performance and configurability within a single cabinet. Standard features include one to twelve symmetric PA-RISC 7100 multiprocessors optimized for commercial workloads, main memory configurations from 128M bytes to 2G bytes, and disk storage up to a maximum of 1.9 terabytes.

Package Design Using 3D Solid Modeling (included in main article listed above).

by Thomas B Alexander, Kenneth G. Robertson, Dean T. Lindsay, Donald L. Rogers, John R. Obermeyer, John R. Keller, Keith Y. Oka, and Marlin M. Jones, II

Article 1 - jun94a1.pdf

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