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Anvil XSL-FO Post-Design Suite Download


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System Requirements

  • Java 1.4.2.x ONLY
  • JVM with at least 256MB (512MB recommended)

Installation Notes

The Anvil XSL-FO Post-Design Suite is a stand-alone Java application. It works only with J2SE 1.4.2.x and not with 1.5 or greater.
It has a self installer package, for many Windows systems, just double click on the postdesignFOX_Y_ZZ-install.jar file to start the installation process.
If this fails, or you are working in Mac OS X or Linux type the following command from the shell:

java -jar postdesignFOX_Y_ZZ-install.jar

Known Major Limitations

Some images may not be rendered successfully (PDFBox limitations apply), generating external PDF usually solves this issue

Get it!

Download Anvil XSL-FO Post-Design Suite

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