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Anvil XSL-FO Producer

Adobe InDesign CS2 Plug-in


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The XSL-FO Producer Plug-in is an exporter for Adobe InDesign CS2 which adds the HP Proposed XSL-FO notation as output.

It's usage is quite simple. Once you have completed your design you can export it using the standard InDesign menu for exporting formats.

Windows Version

Mac OS X Version

W3C XSL-FO 1.1 Recommendation

When this export format is selected, the XSL-FO producer generates a XSL-FO 1.1 compatible format.
This document can be opened (need testing) with commercial formatters that support XSL-FO 1.1.

Windows Version

Mac OS X Version

The HP Proposed XSL-FO

When this export format is selected, the XSL-FO producer generates the HP Proposed XSL-FO 2.0 format.
This format support the non-rectangular shapes and can be opened with the Anvil Post-Design Suite and rendered into a PDF.

Windows Version

Mac OS X Version

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