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Anvil XSL-FO Post Design Suite


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Anvil XSL-FO Post Design Suite (PDS)

The Anvil XSL-FO Post Design Suite (PDS) is a java application that format and render an XSL-FO document.

The current versions of XSL-FO supported (with many limitations) are:

  • W3C XSL-FO 1.0 Specifications
  • W3C XSL-FO 1.1 Specifications
  • HP Proposed XSL-FO

The PDS can preview the document, allow a inspection of the page-masters, the page-sequence-masters and the flow-maps (only for 1.1) and produce a PDF version of the document.


The PDS can be configured to fetch images from a specific directory and/or use a FOP compatible configuration file with all the font metrics already available.

(full image)

Opening a document

From the Menu bar, please select: File->Open

(full image)

The formatted and rendered document appears in a new window with two areas:

left panel
illustrates the currently selected page of the rendered document
right panel
illustrates the logic tree (area tree) of the document

(full image)

To select a page, simply use the buttons in the Menu bar or click on the corresponding page in the logic tree

To select a region, simply click directly on the rendered content on the left or in the corresponding region in the logic tree.

Exploring The Layout Master Set

To see the page masters defined in the document, right click on the page element in the tree and select Page Master View Mode.

(full image)

The result is a region based view of the page.

(full image)

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