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Biologically-Inspired Computing Approaches to Cognitive Systems : a partial tour of the literature

Cliff, Dave


Keyword(s): cognitive systems; biologically-inspired computing; artificial life; artificial intelligence; autonomous agents

Abstract: This paper presents a review of the academic literature on biologically-inspired computing approaches to the science and engineering of cognitive systems. This review is intended as a rapid tour through the area (rather than a leisurely wander); and it should be readable in a few hours. The tour is partial in both senses of the word: it is only partially complete, and it is biased (i.e., it is not an impartial tour). Originally written in 1997, but revised and updated since, its primary intention is as background reading for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Its content is based on courses taught by the author at the University of Sussex (UK); at MIT (USA); and at the University of Southampton (UK).

25 Pages

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