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A Trusted Biometric System

Chen, Liqun; Pearson, Siani; Vamvakas, Athanasios


Keyword(s): trusted computing platform; trusted biometric system; biometrics-based user authentication

Abstract: This technical report describes a method for biometric identification based user authentication in distributed environments, which makes use of Trusted Platforms combined with Smart Cards and Trusted Biometric Readers for providing a trusted biometric system. With this authentication method, a user can establish a trust relationship with a Biometric Reader (via integrity checking), and the user can trust that the system (incorporating both reader and platform) will not disclose his or her sensitive biometric information to any unauthorized entity. Such an approach can be applied, regardless of the type of Biometric Reader. It provides an alternative to integrating biometric capture with Smart Cards, for example by providing a Biometric Reader actually on a Smart Card.

11 Pages

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