HP Labs Technical Reports

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Deterministic Service Guarantees in 802.12 Networks, Part II: The Cascaded Network Case

Kim, Peter


Keyword(s): quality of service; LAN; deterministic service

Abstract: In part I [1] of this paper, we studied the problem of allocating resources in shared single hub 802.12 networks. We described the packet scheduling model and defined the admission control conditions which enable the network to provide deterministic service guarantees. In this paper, we analyse cascaded (multi- hub) 802.12 topologies. We derive the relevant network parameters and show that the admission control conditions defined in part I also apply to cascaded topologies when used with these parameters. Experimental results were achieved with a UNIX kernel based implementation in cascaded test networks. These confirm the theoretical results received for network parameters, throughput and end-to-end delay.

19 Pages

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