Technical Reports
Effect of Copying and Restoration on Color Barcode Payload Density
Simske, Steven J.; Sturgill, Margaret; Aronoff, Jason S.
HP Laboratories
Keyword(s): Color tiles, 3D bar codes, security printing, payload density, color
Abstract: 2D barcodes are taking on increasing significance as the ubiquity of high-resolution cameras, combined with the availability of variable data printing drives increasing amounts of "click and connect'" applications. Barcodes therefore serve as an increasing significant connection between physical and electronic portions, or versions of documents. The use of color provides many additional advantages, including increased payload density and security. In this paper, we consider four factors affecting the readable payload in a color barcode: (I) number of print-scan(PS), or copy, cycles, (2) image restoration to offset PS-induced degradation, (3) the authentication algorithm used, and (4) the use of spectral pre-compensation (SPC) to optimize the color setting for the color barcodes. The PS cycle was shown to consistently reduce payload density by approximately 55% under an tested conditions. SPC nearly doubled the payload density, and selecting the better authentication algorithm increased payload density by roughly 50% in the mean. Restoration, however, was found to increase payload density less substantially (~30%), and only when combined with the optimized settings for SPC. These results are also discussed in light of optimizing payload density for the generation of document security deterrents.
5 Pages
Additional Publication Information: To be Published and presented at DocEng '09, Munich, Germany. September 16-18, 2009
External Posting Date: August 6, 2009 [Fulltext]. Approved for External Publication
Internal Posting Date: August 6, 2009 [Fulltext]