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PHIZ: Discovering TVs Long Tail through a Channel - Centric Model

Rowson, James A.; Gossweiler, Rich; MacDonald, Kurt


Keyword(s): personalization; search; user interface; virtual channel; show generation

Abstract: The volume of content available through television has overwhelmed the original interface. While recommendation systems and search engines have changed how consumers discover and acquire books, music and movies over the web, the same model applied to television channels and shows can easily disrupt the television experience that viewers expect. We propose a network of mass customized television channels and call our hypothetical network phiz. Designed around the viewer's skills and expectations, phiz enhances their ability to navigate through the television space by delivering customized virtual channels and custom created shows. We present the design and prototype of the phiz search and discovery model that allows individual viewers to access unique content relevant to their interests while preserving the familiar television metaphor. Notes: Published in and presented at the 3rd European Conference on Interactive Television (EuroITV 2005), 30 March – 1 April 2005, Aalborg University, Denmark

8 Pages

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