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Optimization Design of Cascaded Classifiers

Luo, Huitao

External - Copyright Consideration

Keyword(s): cascaded classifiers; Adaboost; face detection

Abstract: We present two optimization algorithms for the design of a cascade of classifiers, which is becoming a popular choice for many classification problems. Both algorithms represent each node classifier of a cascade using a high-level abstraction model and attempt to jointly optimize the setting of the thresholding parameters of all the node classifiers within the cascade. We applied both algorithms to optimize the famous Viola and Jones face detector and one of them in particular greatly improved the performance. We believe both algorithms can serve as a useful post- processing process for general cascaded classifier design. Notes: Copyright IEEE. To be published in the International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 20-25 June 2005, San Diego, CA, USA

8 Pages

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